Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Random Things

You've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I hate orange and everything related. I hate the color, I hate the fruit, I hate orange juice ... Period. If I'm ever eating Skittles or some other candy of assorted colors, I will purposely take out the orange pieces.

2. I refuse to wear makeup. More power to anyone who wears it but it makes me feel uneasy, and strangely enough, it makes me feel self conscious.

3. I come from a broken family, and sometimes take it upon myself to pick up the pieces where it's not necessary, which always ends in some sort of emotional distress.

4. I think it would be neat to someday see a tornado with my own two eyes, without a TV screen in the way. Only if it was in some wide open field and didn't destroy any homes or kill any people.

5. I listen to "Lovers in Japan" by Coldplay every morning while I'm waking up!

6. I'm a tennis FANATIC! Rafael Nadal is my all time favorite player (vamos!) and I drive my family crazy whenever there's a live match on TV, because I'm sitting on the floor screaming at it. I'm hoping to be coached by my uncle someday.

7. My feet are hypermobile, which means I'm missing some muscle near my ankles. This causes trouble for my hips, knees, feet, and also throws off my balance. Sometimes when I'm standing in one spot I'll tip over, not so much to fall down, but enough to make people look and go, "Huh?" The doctors say I'll need screws put in my knees when I'm about 30 years old to fix it.

8. If somebody says anything that reminds me of a song, I'll sing part of it. It's just a really weird impulse!

9. I seriously think I have Pharmacophobia (fear of taking medicine / pills), but I have no idea why! I just get so scared when I have to take medicine, that is unless it's in the form of a shot. If it's in a needle, bring it on!!!

(I'm so weird!)

10. My favorite cereal is Honey Bunches of Oats! *thumbs up*

11. Music is my passion. Name any genre and I love it: opera, heavy metal, jazz, country, hip hop, indie, folk, rap, classical, pop, blues, zydeco ... You name it!

12. I went for an allergy test last year (the one where they scratch you with those little sharp things over and over and over again) and the only thing I had a reaction to was the one thing I wasn't supposed to react to ... The meds they give you to keep the reactions under control? Well, apparently I'm allergic to it.

13. I tend to pray best when I'm outside. In fact, some of the more deep and powerful times of prayer I've had have been when I was outside, pacing on my back porch.

14. I feel safest when I'm standing in front of the ocean.

15. I get very uneasy when going past semi trucks on the highway after almost being killed by one several years ago.

16. I'm not a big fan of TV. I actually think it's quite boring most of the time. I watch 3 shows for a total of about 3 1/2 hours a week.

17. This past Christmas, my grandmother gave me a necklace with a sterling silver charm shaped as two musical notes. It has become one of my favorite possessions, I wear it every day, and for some reason I hold onto it when I'm praying.

18. I played the violin three or so years ago, but only for a month. I'd LOVE to play again, and if ever I own a violin I'm going to name it Ol' Faithful!

19. One of my biggest pet peeves is having to leave voicemail messages, only because I SAY THE MOST AWKWARD CRAP that when I hang up the phone I literally ask myself, "What in the world did I just say??"

20. Lions are my favorite animals - they're just so majestic!

21. I love chewing gum, but I'm picky about it. I don't really like the fruity flavors, but I love cinnamon and anything minty!

22. I play "The game" and I'm pretty sure you've just lost. ;)

23. I have this strange habit of inviting people to play "What's your favorite" shortly after meeting them. I just think it's a cool way to get to know them better.

24. When I was little, I wanted to be a meteorologist. Even today, weather is a BIG interest of mine!

25. One of my favorite snacks: Boiled eggs on Triscuits with green tea (refrigerated, of course) it's delicious!!!


Anonymous said...

Good random things! Haha. I got to know more about you that I didn't yet know.
Oh and by the way, number 23 about you liking to play "What's your favorite" shortly after you meet someone, it just clicked with me... we played that shortly after we met and started talking! HAHA!